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Name: Tamie Chessani
Date: 05/30/2008
Message: Hi Guys, Just wondering where your going to play next. We need some good music out there!! Take care, TLC

Name: Michael & Krysta Sagaria
Date: 05/10/2008
Message: Hi David, Just signing in to say Hello. We haven't seen your show in close to a year, so we're long overdue. I checked your schedule, and it doesn't show any upcoming shows. Let me know... Later dudes!

Name: Rosina
Date: 01/13/2008
Message: This weekend was amazing and I wanted to thank you guys for making my birthday awesome!

Name: Kelly
Date: 07/06/2006
Message: I saw you guys in Camarillo this past weekend at Outlaws - great show, I'll be bringing my friends around next time!

Name: Dirk
Date: 04/24/2005
Message: Hey Dave, met you at BMW Saturday 4-23-05 with daughter and wife. Cool tunes/vibe! Wanted to check that your guitarist seems to have VHT gear.?!? Cool... have a few Pittbull combo 45's myself ! Will stay in touch.

Date: 03/14/2005
Message: All the shows are a BLAST! One thing for sure... You guys have YET to do the same show twice!!

Name: erica schubring
Date: 02/28/2005
Message: Best Band Ever. Love you guys.

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